Our rugs inside Norman Rockwells Studio

We made two rugs for the Norman Rockwell Museum for their newly rebuilt studio, the video has a couple of good shots of the common areas in the studio were the rugs live.
The way this started Mr. Rockwell had The Ruggery make two rugs for his +Norman Rockwell back in the 1950s. On a family trip top the Berkshires, we visited the Rockwell Museum and my Daughter noticed rugs in the studio and recognized them as a Ruggery design. With the Curator’s confirmation,
we found the archival designs and re-made the same designs for their newly re-built studio.

One Comment

Patricia L Harman

Can I see the rugs like the ones at Norman Rockwrll museum? Are they for purchase?
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Pat Harman


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